In the world of coffee, there are so many different types of machines that people use to make great coffee at home or at a café. Espresso Machines are essential to modern life and they allow users to gain the caffeine boost they need to function throughout the day.
If you’re searching for an espresso machine but aren’t sure which one best fits your specific needs, take a look at this guide on 10 different types of espresso machines in the market today.
1. Stovetop Espresso Machine
These machines are the simplest ones to use. These are both the small and cheapest ways to make coffee at your home. If you want to use these for commercial purposes, sorry! They can’t be used on a commercial scale because they don’t offer much customization.
The only thing you have to do is pour some water and coffee grounds in it and place it on the stove with a medium heat level. The stove is used to boil the water and steam is passed on to the coffee beans to make espresso.
2. Automatic Espresso Machines
One of the biggest improvements made to espresso machines has been the innovation of fully manual machines to automatic ones. A lot of time and effort can be saved by letting a machine grind, pump, and brew for you.
These machines are usually used by most commercial coffee shops. That said, automatic espresso machines are usually quite large, so they might not be a good fit for every kitchen. One other downside is that they tend to be expensive.
3. Reservoir Espresso Machine
These machines are typically small, and compact and make only one or two cups at a time. In order to use these machines, they first need to be filled up with water or sometimes milk, depending on your preferences. They are usually inexpensive and affordable.
Once you have your espresso machine set up, it is easy to maintain and produces high-quality espresso every time.
4. Single Boiler Espresso Machines
Single boiler machines heat water and steam milk at one time. The steam wand serves as a dual-purpose device and is used for frothing milk and heating water for coffee. Single boiler machines are less expensive than double boiler machines but do not offer as many options for customization.
Also, since single boiler machines can only heat one type of liquid at once, they may not be ideal if you want to experiment with various drinks. These machines are smaller than other ones so they cannot be used for commercial purposes but they can be a good addition to your home.
5. Plumbed-in or Direct Connect Espresso Machines
As its name suggests, a direct connect espresso machine is directly connected to water lines, so it only needs an electrical outlet. This type of espresso machine can be easier to use, but it is also limited in what you can make with it.
Another disadvantage is that if you don’t have a kitchen with water access or if your dishwasher drains into your sink and uses hot water, then you won’t be able to use a plumbed-in machine because it requires a dedicated plumbing connection.
This machine is good for commercial purposes if you sell a lot of espressos and have enough money to install it because it requires professional installation.
6. Volumetric Espresso Machines
This type of espresso machine is most recognized by baristas and customers alike. It features an electric pump that uses pressure to extract water from a tank and push it through a filter containing ground coffee.
The end result is a smooth, rich product of espresso with amazing creaminess on top. These machines come with three to five group heads. A group is a section within which water and steam are distributed evenly by tiny holes.
If you want a perfect shot of espresso, then this type of espresso machine is a perfect option for you.
7. Double Boiler Espresso Machines
As obvious from the name, the double boiler espresso machines are just like single boiler machines but they have two heat sources. This type uses heat from both a water boiler and a steam boiler to make espresso.
The heat is more consistent than a single boiler machine and requires more attention as it has many parts to adjust. However, it tends to maintain temperature better than other types. These machines do not perform well at high altitudes so are best suited for lower locations.
Unlike single boiler espresso machines, they can be easily used for commercial purposes and are also perfect for large families who love having multiple coffee intakes every day.
8. Manual Espresso Machines with Lever
Manual machines have a lever system that forces water through coffee grounds and into your cup. These offer great control over extraction, but they aren’t very practical for cafes and baristas because they need regular cleaning.
For home use, though, manual espresso machines can be a great option as a second machine so you don’t have to switch between two settings all day long. These machines don’t have any pumps or electrical machinery, so you don’t have to worry about any emergency failure.
9. Stream-Driven Espresso Machines
Stream-driven espresso machines came just after level espresso machines. They maintain the most appropriate pressure necessary for making a perfect shot of espresso. These machines are a good option for commercial brewers because they are quite expensive and need proper care and experience.
If you don’t want to exhaust yourself by pulling levers every now and then, these machines are your way to go. They can bear heavy stress and use high pressure to make the perfect espresso for your customers.
10. Super Automatic Espresso Machine
Super automatic espresso machines are next-level espresso machines that offer fully-automatic coffee brewing. These machines require some prior learning as you’ll need to program them to make espresso, but once you’ve figured out how to use these machines, you won’t want to look back because of the convenience they offer.
The convenience of not having to remember how much coffee to put into your machine is worth it for some people. Super-automatic espresso machines are among some of the highest-end models on our list and they can cost more than the entire list mentioned above.
You can choose an espresso machine based on your budget and your needs. if you want to choose one for commercial purposes, make sure it’s heavy duty and can bear the burden of commercial use.