Using 123movies to watch old movies is possible. You can find the old version at and if you want to watch new movies, you can visit You can also download dubbed movies in different languages, such as Telugu, Hindi, Marathi, and Malayali. You can watch movies on without having to pay for the full version.
If you want to watch movies on your computer, you can download them and watch them on your laptop, iPad, or iPhone. They are compatible with all devices. You can choose to watch them on your computer, phone, or tablet. Using an old browser is not recommended. Using a newer version of Chrome and Firefox is best. You can watch latest movies in the comfort of your home. Whether you want to watch a classic or a new release, 123movies is the place to go.
If you want to watch older movies, you can also use The old version is completely free, so it’s easy to watch. And it’s faster than using the new version. will not take your money! You can watch any movie you want, whenever you want, and on any device you prefer. You just need to have a good Internet connection to enjoy a movie.