When you have a company, you face the great challenges that its growth entails, you should always consider that employees are a fundamental piece for success, they are the managers and representatives of your brand. At Sunday Marketplace we give you 5 corporate culture tips to strengthen the relationship with the staff.
Corporate culture must be a fundamental basis for any company or project, through these practices, employees will shape the company’s personality, feeling accepted and part of the community, both among employees and with supervisors and bosses, creating a relationship of respect and trust.
The change in practices does not happen overnight, the corporate culture is the sum of the mechanisms that each employee brings to the company, which goes beyond the hackneyed phrase “put on the shirt”, if the Changes correctly, people will take ownership of the goals of the company, providing them with a shared purpose.
Sunday Marketplace tips to improve the corporate culture in the company
1. Encourage team building
Within the company, interaction activities between employees should be encouraged, activities should focus on the creation and consolidation of teams. In addition to providing a sense of belonging to a group, people will feel calmer in a familiar environment and on leisure occasions.
2. Open Door Policy
The relationship that an employee has with superiors, even with the head of the company, can greatly influence both an employee and the staff in general. If you want to provide a space for collaboration and trust, it must be made clear that any idea, opinion or complaint will be heard and analyzed. The feeling that is generated in the team is to feel valued and that their opinions matter and go in the same direction as the company
3. Reward work
We are used to taking the performance of our staff for granted, who are often singled out when they make a mistake. In the same way, even more, employees who perform with excellence in their work must be recognized on time. The attitude generates a feeling of recognition, belonging and support in their work, both for themselves and his colleagues.
4. Goal transparency
People don’t feel comfortable working for a company they know nothing about. In the cooperative culture, it is essential that the relationship with the company and its goals be known by the employees. You must be transparent with the values and goals that the company seeks, emphasizing that every victory that the company achieves is due to the work of its employees.
5. Be more of a leader than a boss.
The above tips can give you a healthy corporate culture, it can collapse if the hierarchically superior person delegates responsibilities that correspond to them or does not provide confidence to their subordinates with their effort, dedication or work. A leader should always lead his team by example, not by orders.The corporate culture sets the guidelines to improve the relationship between its employees, causing the gears to work in sync to achieve corporate goals.