Almost everyone has engaged in distracted driving at some point. In fact, you may find distracted drivers practically anywhere you turn: the cell phone socialite, the in-car iPod DJ, the high-end cosmetician, the king or queen of the 3-course dinner.
People can only process a certain amount of information at once, according to studies. People have to alternate between tasks while driving in order to meet the many demands that arise.
The most frequent distraction while driving is using a mobile phone. In fact, a third of drivers admit to using their phone while driving illegally, according to the auto accident attorney. That shouldn’t come as a surprise considering how frequently we use our mobile devices for music, GPS, messaging, and other functions. In most jurisdictions, using a cell phone while holding it is prohibited due to the problem’s broad prevalence.
However, our use of our phones isn’t the only source of in-car distractions. Driving can be distracted by a variety of things, including GPS devices, passengers, passengers’ demands, passengers’ pets, and passengers’ food and drink. Even adjusting the AC or scrolling through a playlist to find your favorite song can cause you to lose focus and endanger your safety.
To help you drive more safely, consider the following suggestions from auto accident attorney:
Only use your cell phone in an emergency. A cell phone should only be used in an emergency while you are driving. Even so, it’s preferable to make a call while securely pulling over to the right shoulder. Even with hands-free technology, you could still miss crucial audible and visual indicators that could have prevented a collision. It’s not advisable to hold social discussions on a cell phone while operating a vehicle. Keep in mind that an increasing number of auto accident attorney have made it illegal. You might receive a ticket and a fine.
Pull over if you feel sleepy on the road. Being sleepy roughly quadruples the chance of a collision. Many first hand professionals such as an auto accident attorney Denver, might tell you that 37% of American drivers have dozed off or fallen asleep while operating a vehicle at least once. Stop driving if you start to feel fatigued; don’t race to get home.
Limit the amount of activity inside the automobile as well as the number of passengers. Teens are not allowed to have other teens in the car with them when learning to drive alone, according to graduated licensing legislation in the majority of states. Because inexperienced drivers are more likely to be preoccupied with their companions than the road when driving with friends, this might lead to risky driving conditions.
Never eat while operating a vehicle. Being busy is not a justification for driving while distracted. While eating your breakfast while on route to work or school may seem like a time-saving measure, it really makes you less aware of the other cars on the road. Food spills are a significant source of diversion.
Do your multitasking away from the vehicle. Everyone spends a lot of time in their cars, and it may seem like the ideal opportunity to complete small tasks like making calls to friends, looking for good music, or even sending texts. Not at all. Pay attention to the road and the other drivers. Get everything in order before you get behind the wheel.